Friday 9 September 2011



They should the light in our lives

The torch that guide us through the years

Those who always tell us the truth

The ones who cheer us up on a bad day!...


Some are my nightmare,

The darkness in my day!...

They deceive, they lie

They make me feel evil...

They hurt, they stab me in the back!...


Always comparing

Always putting me down...

They rejoiced with my misfortune,

They feed on my sorrow

they are thirsty of my tears!...


Shadows haunting me

Beasts waiting to tear my heart apart ,

To feast on my soul!..

Rotten friends...

Crushing me

Dragging me deeper and deeper to loneliness,

Burning me alive,

Dancing and laughing with my suffering!!

Friends ....

Some are devils disguised in angels..

They smile, they hug,

they take advantage,

Use me and then discharge me!...

Rotten friends...

Crawling in the shade

Waiting for me ...

Pulling me into hell,

Bringing me more sadness...

Rotten friends...

I know who you are!

I will let you all have fun with my misery...

For the time being!

But I will fight for my deliverance!!...

I will slide from this dark room

Where you locked me in...

I will follow my path and never look back!....

Rotten, false

Treacherous friends...

Disgusting maggots,

Feeding on me!!



Some are angels

Some are wicked...

Enlightened friends

Love me as I am,

Accept me with heart and soul!

Shady friends,

Try to defeat me

They demoralize me all the time

They take away all my hopes and dreams!...

Rotten friends...

I know who you are

But, this time you are not going to get me....

September 2011