Saturday 29 September 2007


if you can
cry if you dare .....
don't look back
the darkness is coming for you!!

don't beg for mercy
for there is no forgiveness...

don't ask for help

for there's nobody around....

run faster...
find your path

search for the light....

tears rolling down your face..
in despair you look around....

watch out ! ..
the cold dark is nearest....

don't scream!

just run faster...
hold on your memories...
keep searching the light ....

the pain is getting stronger....

you wanted to cry
but no voice was heard...

you ran to the light...
but in the cave you entered....

poor soul....

lost her path in the search for the truth!
the more you run the more you go down...
down in the dark, cold, empty cave ...

the cave of pain
the cave of loneliness
the cave of eternity!!

run !
for there's no salvation
run !
'cuz there's no one there for you
just ....


don't regret
don't cry
don't feel the pain.....

when your strength fail

and your path come to an end...

pray for help......
and the answer will come for you...........

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