Sunday 7 October 2007


I wanted to cry
But the sea of my soul
Had no more tears to drop....
I wanted to scream
But there was no one there to listen....

Inside this dark hole I find myself trapped!!
I try to escape
But lost among my thoughts
I feel scare
I feel my senses fading away..

Voices i hear inside my head.....
But should i listen to them?
Is this a trap?
Is this craziness?
Am I going insane?!!......

Why don't you go away....
Leave me alone, damned voices!!!
Voices of nowhere
Voices everywhere....

Should i go?
Should i stay?
Should i cry for help?

Lost in my thoughts
I lost my reason.....

Embraced by fear
I lost my faith....

By loosing it

I got lost from you
From your warmth
From my path......

My wrath grow stronger
My defenses?!..
Were left behind!

And i shout .....
Is anyone out there?
Is it something that's worth fighting for?

Incapable to find an answer
I feel my black hole calling for me
My voices whispering .......

And in despair
I loose my mind
I loose my will.....

Voices in my head
Voices around me

It's late
It's getting darker
I'm tired
It's time to go!

I surrender!!!....
There's nowhere to go
There's no escape

From the hole i came
And to it i shall return...

To myself
To my weakness

To my lack of faith.......

Returning to the dark is time
For in the dark i will find myself again...........

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