Tuesday 20 July 2010

Angry Soul

I'm lost in the darkness of life
In an empty place going nowhere...
Do I have to feel so sad?
Where should I go?
There're questions...
There's pain...
There's loneliness...
There's a heart and a soul...
Hey! Are you listening?!...
Why did you leave me behind when I needed you so bad?
Why didn't you give me strength when I was fading away?!...
Why? Tell me because I don't understand...
What's going on?...
I'm feeling so lonely,
Lost among my thoughts!
Tell me, why am I suffering so hard if I have you by my side?
Why do tears roll down my face?
Tell me...'cause I can't stand it any longer!
In your arms I fell so secure
In your arms there's no sadness
In your arms I feel your warmth and love!
Oh! I want you so bad that it hurts inside !...
I need you so much, don't you know it?
You're my light
You're my darkness
You're my treasure
Your my heart and soul
Your my hopes and dreams...
You're everything for me
All I ask from you is your patience
All I need from you is your love
Please, don't be angry with me, I'm feeling so lost!!
the pain is in my blood... Please, help me to break it through!
Don't leave me now...
I don't ask you to understand my pain since I can´t understand it myself
But forgive me for don't let it go!!..

written around 1994

Heavy Heart

It's full moon night
And I walk through the woods
Lost, confused, crying,
Alone in this lost world!
Only me and the moon light
Looking for place
Searching for my lost soul!!...

Tears drops marking the path
Small footprints of a heavy soul
Wandering on this empty forest....
Where are you?

So lonely,
So full of pain
I still walk through the woods...
So lost, so desperate...

Lost words left unsaid
True feelings hold inside
Things that were never made!!...
The moon still shines in the night
Following me like a dark shadow...

Where are you?
It's cold in here...
Let me rest for a while!
Long is the night...
Infinite is the pain....

Empty inside
I still wander in the dark woods
Regretting, crying
Searching for my lost soul...

It's too late to change the past
The present is already gone...
Where are you?

Lost soul... lost words
So many regrets...
It's full moon night
And I walk through the woods,
Alone in this world...

It's time for a sleep..
It's time to let it go...
Give in to the night
for so lost you are …
Don't fight
Don't cry....
Just go to sleep......

Friday 2 July 2010

No Regrets

I Want to smile ...
But I can´t!!...
I'm so lost in the blue...

I want to run to you
To hug you
To kiss you to hold on you forever...
But the pain is the winner!

I want to hug
And tell you that everything will be ok
To tell you that i am here...
I want so much to kiss you
And tell you that I'm still the same...
But I can't!...
I can´t tell you that anymore
'Cuz inside I know I would be lying to myself...to you

I want to smile
I want to embrace you and kiss you
And stand still like this forever...
But the pain doesn't let me ...
The pain is too strong...
The sadness is too big.....

I just want you to know
That I still love you
That you still are the air I breath
You are my soul,
My life,
My hope....

I just want you to know
That I fight every single day not to loose you...
But I can feel you running through my fingers...like sand!

I cry,
I scream inside
But you can´t hear me...
You're lost in pain too...
You have lost your faith,
Your hope, your path,
Your strenght...
I do suffer for you
'Cuz can fell your sorrow!!

But please understand...
My pain is too strong
And I just can´t run any further...

Please forgive me ...
For my weakness
Please forgive me for failing...
For letting you down ...
But please understand
That I'm trapped in this web of pain and darkness...

I just want you to remember me as I once was...
Cheerful, full of hope and will
Adventurous and strong...
Just hold on to those memories
The best of me!

I just want you to remember me
Like the person I was when we first met...
Keep in mind the girl you fell in love with...
Hold on to the good moments
We spent together
How we both could break through all the obstacles...

I just want you to know
That I'm in great suffering
And the more I try to turn back in time I just can´t....
It's too late...I'm a changed person
The pain and the darkness took over my soul...

But I want you to always remember
That I still love you as before
That I still want to hold on good things...
That you are the sun in my darkness!!

Please forgive me
But it seems that we have a winner -pain!!!

Never forget to always follow the light
Don't let the dark take control of your heart..
Promise me
That you will never lost hope like I did
Promise me
That you will never give up of life...
And when the night falls
Light a candle to help you on the journey...

Always keep your eyes in the stars
'Cuz I will be there...
Watching for you,
Showing you the right path...

Promise me
that you will be better than me...
And never forget that we had an all time love...
And this you will never loose!!