Tuesday 20 July 2010

Angry Soul

I'm lost in the darkness of life
In an empty place going nowhere...
Do I have to feel so sad?
Where should I go?
There're questions...
There's pain...
There's loneliness...
There's a heart and a soul...
Hey! Are you listening?!...
Why did you leave me behind when I needed you so bad?
Why didn't you give me strength when I was fading away?!...
Why? Tell me because I don't understand...
What's going on?...
I'm feeling so lonely,
Lost among my thoughts!
Tell me, why am I suffering so hard if I have you by my side?
Why do tears roll down my face?
Tell me...'cause I can't stand it any longer!
In your arms I fell so secure
In your arms there's no sadness
In your arms I feel your warmth and love!
Oh! I want you so bad that it hurts inside !...
I need you so much, don't you know it?
You're my light
You're my darkness
You're my treasure
Your my heart and soul
Your my hopes and dreams...
You're everything for me
All I ask from you is your patience
All I need from you is your love
Please, don't be angry with me, I'm feeling so lost!!
the pain is in my blood... Please, help me to break it through!
Don't leave me now...
I don't ask you to understand my pain since I can´t understand it myself
But forgive me for don't let it go!!..

written around 1994

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