Tuesday 20 July 2010

Heavy Heart

It's full moon night
And I walk through the woods
Lost, confused, crying,
Alone in this lost world!
Only me and the moon light
Looking for place
Searching for my lost soul!!...

Tears drops marking the path
Small footprints of a heavy soul
Wandering on this empty forest....
Where are you?

So lonely,
So full of pain
I still walk through the woods...
So lost, so desperate...

Lost words left unsaid
True feelings hold inside
Things that were never made!!...
The moon still shines in the night
Following me like a dark shadow...

Where are you?
It's cold in here...
Let me rest for a while!
Long is the night...
Infinite is the pain....

Empty inside
I still wander in the dark woods
Regretting, crying
Searching for my lost soul...

It's too late to change the past
The present is already gone...
Where are you?

Lost soul... lost words
So many regrets...
It's full moon night
And I walk through the woods,
Alone in this world...

It's time for a sleep..
It's time to let it go...
Give in to the night
for so lost you are …
Don't fight
Don't cry....
Just go to sleep......

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