Thursday 9 December 2010


It's a rainy day
And the wind blows strong...
No sunshine in the sky
To warm my face!

I'm just sitting here
Wondering about my life ...
Feeling so lost
Trying to understand
Why this lack of hope
Why this loss of strenght!!!

In my dark shadow
I cry helplessly
'Cuz I just can't help you!
And in the hole I hide myself from pain....

Powerless I am..
I just watch you falling down
And I do nothing to stop you...
I just can't move!

I cry inside for the pain you feel..
I scream with anger
'Cuz I'm not strong enough!!..

Always hurting my loved ones
Just to protect myself from misery...
Always choosing the wrong path
And in the end it's only me who gets hurt!...

I'm so afraid
But I can't tell you...
I'm so confused
So lost in my darkness...

I'ts raining outside
And in my face tears roll down
The wind blows lightly
And with the breeze
I lost my hopes and dreams...
And I ask why are they flying away from me?!...

I feel so lonely
I feel so lost
I feel so hopeless and dejected..

I see you fading away
And there's nothing I can do to help you..
I am so weak..
I am so imperfect..
So to the cold, dark hole I run to hide myself from shame ...

December 2010

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi paula l inverno spesso ci porta malinconia col suo freddo e i suoi colori..!poi ci pensa la primavera a farci tornare la felicita' col suo calore e i suoi fiori!cosi'e'la vita .. spesso ci sentiamo in inverno ma puo'bastare anche il minimo affetto per far arrivare primavera (-: .... razie paula.... pie10gso