Monday 17 January 2011


I want to fly
I want to dream
I want to live forever
I want to be strong!

I wonder if I will live enought...
If this darkness that's haunting me
Will let me go....
I want to smile
I want to be happy...

No more sorrow
No more fear
No more pain
Just eternal life!

I cry for I am so scare...
I hide my loneliness inside,
My lack of hope!
All this uncertainty hurts me!...

Foolish thoughts
Dark feelings
Embracing me in the night
Telling me that I will die!!...

I run to find my light..
I don't want to die!
What about my dreams?
What about my hopes?
Go away painful darkness
And let me go...

I want to feel the sun in my face
The sand under my feet...
I want to feel the sweet breeze embracing me ...
I want to live!...

No more sorrow
No more pain
No more fear!

January 2011

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