Thursday 24 March 2011


I look to the sky
Searching for my lucky star
Wandering through the night
Looking for my place in this world...

I cause so much pain
to those I love!
Always trying to be the best...
And always failing!!

Wrong words coming out from my mouth...
Nasty, awful words..
Never winning
Never comforting..

What's my mission here?
My life worth nothing!!
No one cares for me
No one miss me!!!
So, what am I doing here?!

I can't help anybody...
So why the pain?!
Can you please stop the pain?
'Cuz it's too strong...

I cannot make you happy!
I always choose the wrong direction!
What's the point to live like this?!...
Always hurting
always failing
always destroying?!!!...

I cannot make the difference...
I can only bring suffering and regretts!
I will never be a shinning star!
I will never be anybody's sunshine!

All I do best is to hurt people I love...
Making them feel unloved and unwanted...
I try so hard to be the sun in the sky,
and the flower in the garden...
I try to light the night for you
But I only bring darkness!!...

What's my place in your life
If i cannot make you happy?
What's my duty in here?
I bleed inside
'Cuz you don't understand how big my love is..
I scream for help,
But you can't hear it!

I would die for you
I would sell my soul
Just to see you happy!

I would become blind
Just to light your day
I would fade away
Just to prove my love for you...

I would go to hell
If that would bring you happiness!!
I try each day
I fail every day...
I bleed for you
I cry for you
I suffer for you...

But in the end you can't see it, can you?
You are the best
And you should have it all!!
I am so sorry,for all the pain...

I do not deserve someone like you!
You can find better than me!
You deserve a shinning sun
To warm your day!
A starry night,
To make you smile ...

You deserve an angel
And all you got was a demon!
A creature from darkness
To haunt you...
You deserve better than me...
I will crawl back to where I belong....

February 2011

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