Thursday 24 March 2011


The sun shines bright in the sky
And I smell the spring coming..
Birds singing..
The flowers are blooming!
What a wonderful feeling !...

I look to the sea
So calm, so blue
And I remind of all the good memories..
I can visualize the goods things
Of my life in my mind ...

I close my eyes
And I try to live all those memories again ...
I can smile ...they make me feel good, happy...

The sun in my face
Warms up my heart...
I miss that joy
I miss that happiness...

Deep inside I know I am loved...
But why do I feel so lonely? so unloved?
Why always this sensation of failure?

A small breeze caressing my face,
And I close my eyes again...
Trying to keep those memories alive....

Seagulls in the beach dancing for me
And the sound of the ocean is music for my hears!
Why can't life be just like this moment?

Why do we have to suffer?
Why do I feel such pain?
Why this emptiness inside?

Why do I feel so lost?....
Even when I am in your arms?
Why do I cry when you are loving me?

I wish I could fly,
So that I would reach the sun...
I wish I was a mermaid,
So that I could swim far away from here...

Never stopping...
Never regretting..
Never feeling...

Just flying till my wings fail!
Just swimming till I have no more breath!
But, running all the time
Setting myself free !!!

March 2011

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