Sunday 22 May 2011

Mălina Olinescu - Eu cred

This is only for you... Allways One...

GooGle Translation:
I think
Me, I'll wait
I think that's not right
Let me just your memory is kept
I feel that you always
You're around me
Thought and spirit that protects me
You give me courage

I think I hear
I think not forget
From heaven to give me
A sign that you will stay
If I could have reached your world
I'd ask back
I believe in us

Maybe I'm wrong
Do not know how to look
The stars, and there you find
You live only in dreams
As you promised
We stay good friends
Good Friends

I think I hear
I think not forget
From heaven to give me
A sign that you will stay
If I could have reached your world
I'd ask back
I believe in us

Sometimes I feel as I look
I want to know
Only silence me a cred

I think I hear
I think not forget
From heaven to give me
A sign that you will stay
Me, if I could have reached your world
I'd ask back
I'd ask back
I believe in us
Ooh ...

Romanian Version:

Eu cred
Eu, eu te mai aştept
Cred că nu e drept
Să-mi rămână numai amintirea că ai fost
Eu simt că tu mereu
Eşti în jurul meu
Gând şi spirit ce mă ocroteşti
Îmi dai curaj

Eu cred că m-asculţi
Eu cred că nu uiţi
Din cer să îmi dai
Un semn că mai stai
Dac-aş putea s-ating lumea ta
Te-aş cere-napoi
Eu cred în noi

Eu poate că greşesc
Nu ştiu să privesc
Către stele, şi-acolo să te regăsesc
Tu vii numai în vis
Aşa cum mi-ai promis
Noi rămânem tot prieteni buni
Prieteni buni

Eu cred că m-asculţi
Eu cred că nu uiţi
Din cer să îmi dai
Un semn că mai stai
Dac-aş putea s-ating lumea ta
Te-aş cere-napoi
Eu cred în noi

Uneori te simt cum mă priveşti
Vreau să ştii
Numai liniştea mi-o dăruieşti

Eu cred că m-asculţi
Eu cred că nu uiţi
Din cer să îmi dai
Un semn că mai stai
Eu, dac-aş putea s-ating lumea ta
Te-aş cere-napoi
Te-aş cere-napoi
Eu cred în noi

What Am I? (part 2)

What am I?

A dark soul lost in time

An angel from hell

Bringing pain and sorrow!...

Misunderstood by the world am I!

I try to give love

And it turns into hate...

I try to give honey

But it tastes like poison!....

Darkness itself I am!

Always hurting

Never pleasing ...

I am the cry of the wolf in the cold night!...

Attempting to reach you,

I opened my heart to you

Yet you said I was evil....

Nasty words wounding me deeply,

Bleeding inside....

I am a lonely soul

Searching for its place,

A dark angel ...

Failing her mission!

I speak words of love and care

Still you can only hear harsh whispers in the air....

I am wicked...

I am hateful....

I hurt and damage ....

I don't belong here!

I wish so much that each of you look at me

And really see who I am!...


No matter what I do

No matter Where I go

No matter what I say...

It's never good enough!

Cold heart

Drifting in the darkness of this world..

Feeling so lost, so empty...

Waiting for a sign!

Always trying to reach you...

Always trying to be loved..

Constantly attempting to be seen !

But eternelly disappointing.....

Nothing I can do

Will make you change your mind...

So blind you all are in your own world

That you cannot see the truth....

I do have feelings

I do care and love

I would give my life for each of you ...

I would share my love

I would open my heart....


Damn you all

Always getting away from me

Because I am mean!

Judging me all the time !

Never listening to what i'm saying ...

It seems that I never do it right....

No matter how hard I try!...

I am nothing

I am the stone in your path...

I am the dust that blurs your vision ...

I am the the thunder that strikes you !

Evil soul

Lost in this world full of hate...

I am the wind that destroys everything..

I am the owl scaring you in the night !

I am darkness!

I tried to be perfect

I gave the world my heart

I trusted the world my soul

Yet, you tear it apart

fed on it....

And in the end ... spit on the leftovers !

I am evil

I am nothing

I am pain

I am the destroyer!!!

I tried though I failed once again...

Lost words in the night

Silent screams in my head...

Bleeding inside....

Misunderstood all the time !

Why do I try?

If I say sun you will hear moon,

If I say light you will understand dark

If I say - I am sorry, you will not listen!

You said I hurt you ...

You said I am evil itsellf

You said I scare people with my mean words

That they go away 'cuz I am not good!....

So what am I?

I am devil

I am a creep

I am the dust in the street

The storm that ravish eveything on its way

I am the darkness of the world

I am the frozen heart

I am suffering

I am poison!!!

I am eveything that does not worth it !

Dark angel with evil feelings ...

Cold soul lost forever

I am the fire that burns your hapiness...

I am what I am ...

You see evil where's is goodness

You see poison where's sweetness

You see hate where's love....

I might be the darkness in your day

I might be the nasty stone in your path

And the storm in your paradise...

I am emptiness!!

I'm just a lost soul

Looking for its place in this world ....

Crying for helpBegging for forgiveness

Asking to be seen....

However, the world is blind

And so are you!!!..

Hateful world

Judging me all the time ...

Pointing the finger...

Accusing! Killing!!

Sending me away ...

Never listening

Never understanding

Never forgiving !

Blindness and ignorance

Ruling your hearts!

So busy to see

That I am a soul with pure feelings!....

That I can love and give so much......

If I had the chance ..

But in the end...

I will always be ,

An evil dark angel ...

No matter what I do

No matter what I say

No matter where I go....

Always evil
Always empty

Always darkness!....

May 2011

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Crowded House - Don't Dream It's Over

In reply to the previous post...
Together we can...

Monday 2 May 2011


I'm lost in the night...
The sky is grey I wander why...
My heart stopped beating
'Cuz the pain is too strong!!...

I cry because I do not know
What am I doing....
Sneaky shades in the street
Following me
Haunting my thoughts!!

I want to feel
But my heart cannot beat anymore!
I want to scream
But no sound comes out from my mouth!!..
I want to say "forgive me"
But I do not find the right words....

Dark eternal night
Endless suffering
So lost
So empty!..

Deep inside i'm dying each day
I cannot find my way back!!..
I hear you calling my name in the distance
Trying to rescue me from myself....

Endless tears
Blurring my vision...
Crows in the night
Knives in my soul..

Crying, shouting in this empty space
whispering insane words
Wishing the impossible...
Running away!!

Grey night sky
Upon my head...
Stars pointing to me accusingly....
And I feel so small!

It aches inside,
All this solitude....
It burns like fire in hell
All this silence deep in my heart...

Forgive me,
For making you suffer!
forgive me,
For making you feel less!
Forgive me,
For making you think that I do not care!

Wash away my hard words
They are meaningless!....
All this darkness
All this pain....

Hopelessness heart....
Lonesome soul...
So foolish
So ruthless.....

In the eternal night I am
Lost forever
Trying to tell you "I do care"
Words lost in the wind...
Birds dying in the night!

Sleepless I am...
Forgive me,
For I do not know where i'm going to...
Save me from my own...
Embrace the night
And rise me up in your arms ...
Because lost I am!....

May 2011