Monday 29 August 2011

Will You Remember Me?

I look through my window...

Outside is a sunny day,

However I feel so sad,

So empty, so lost! ...

I realised that none of my dreams

Will ever come true!!

When I die,

Who's going to remember me ?

Will you remember who I was?

Will you know what I did ?

What a waste of a lovely day!

I should go out for a walk,

Feel the sun on my face...

I should,

But I rather stay indoors,

Crying, suffering on my own...

Wishing what I cannot have !

Just feeling this anguish within me!

Time is running fast

I cannot keep the pace...

I feel drowning

I feel lonely...

Who's going to remember me,

When you are gone too, my love?

Will you keep my memory , my friend?

No one to tell the story

Nobody in here to tell,

How much I could love and care...

Nothing will remain,

No tales, no memories

Everything will be lost,

In this empty world !

I don't want to go

I don't want to feel the sorrow...

Darkness surrounding me

Thoughts banging in my head...

I crouch and I cry

Nowhere to escape

No one to remember ...

Just loneliness

Infinite empty space where I lost myself !

What a lovely day to dream

To have hope

To believe in the future

To smile !!...

Yet, it hurts so much !

What's the point of living

If, at the end there is nothing

To keep my memory alive ?...

What's the point of such a pain ??

This emptiness in my heart ?

This darkness in my soul ?...

I close my eyes,

And I fly in the eternal night

Looking for my place in this world !

Whispers everywhere

Cold chills through my bones ...

No light, no path

Just infinite darkness ...

No answers, nobody

No feelings,

Just myself in my world,

Running away

Deceiving time ,

Turning myself into a dark butterfly...

Such a waste of a sunny day,

Still I can't avoid all those questions

Always haunting me,

Night and day !

I close my eyes,

Tears roll down my face

Fast like rain in a stormy day !!

So, will you remember me in the end?...

July 2011

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