Monday 29 August 2011

Looking For Love

It's cold outside
My heart beats faster
Can't stop thinking about you
Calling your name
Are you there?

Screams inside my head
Pain in my soul
All I can see is darkness
Where are you?

It's so cold!!...
I'm shivering
I want to fly
I want to hold your hand

Dark clouds in the sky
Noisy storm in my head
Lightening penetrating in my heart
Calling your name

I'm freezing
I'm in pain
Aching inside
lost in time
I long for your touch

Come, run for me
I'm waiting ....
Stop the pain
Put an end to all this ...

It's night and I'm alone
Crying out loud for your name
Empty soul
Wandering in the dark

Where are you?
Will you come for me?
Will you save me from my own?
Will you find me?

July 2011

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