Sunday 21 October 2007

Life is a Long Way Back Home...

Para Ti...

==> Life Is Just a Long Way Back Home.....

Tudo o que pensas...
Tudo o que queres...
Tudo o que fazes...
Tudo o que dizes...

Eu estou lá... por muito que penses que não... eu penso e sinto muito mais que tudo que possas sentir.

Aquilo que tenho pena é de não conseguir dizer-te o que devo... mas só o que não quero...

Há muitos anos atrás... a vida tirou-me a Palavra e a Lágrima...

Hoje não choro... não falo... mas sinto... sinto muito, por tudo que te fazem, por tudo que não me fazem... e fico... fico só com as minhas ideias... a minha Dor... e a tua Tristeza... Perdão...

Se um dia Deus me levar primeiro, sê forte, pensa em todas as alturas que eu tento mostrar-te o que não sou... e pensa que estarei a preparar-te o caminho... para que não sofras...

Tudo o que penso...
Tudo o que quero...
Tudo o que faço...
Tudo o que digo...

Tu estás lá... e a Vida continua... como até agora... dificil... mas contigo é mais fácil...

Para Ti....
Dezembro 2006

Monday 15 October 2007


I'm a friend of Paula and she has graciously given me permission to be a guest author. I've never met her personally but I have chatted with her and exchanged some emails on occasion. I live the United States, the great state of North Carolina. Paula is a beautiful and caring soul who befriended me. I realize these are difficult times for her and this is what friends of for. Sometimes life test us and when it does it also test our faith. I have discovered that we all have a wonderufl torch within the each us, whose purpose is to help others each and everyday.

Today I want to talk about the different people I've met all around the world. I have found that we really aren't that much different. We truly are brothers and sisters sharing the same earth. There are times we all stumble, there are times we fail and we all lose a sense of hope. It is during times that one person's torch, can light their friends torch whose flame may be burning very low. Faith is knowing that you can get up each and every time and it's not the end of the world. Sure we hurt, but there are lessons that we learn from our pain. Faith is knowing that no matter bad if may seem or be, we will so how get through it.

I believe there no accidents in life, that there is a purpose for everything. There is reason that Paula and I became friends and this may very well be it. I know she has lost or is losing faith. I've been the same dark roads, but the one thing that has always carried me through the valley, is my faith. When things are at the lowest point, that's when you let your faith take over, because when you do, it will guide you through the darkest of storms. The following quote sums up what faith is:

“Faith is an oasis in the heart which can never be reached by the caravan of thinking”

Sunday 14 October 2007


Strange is my destiny
Dark is my soul
Lost in halfway
I don't know where to go..

Alone I am
Desperate I feel
Aiming to the end
To never feel cold again!

Cruel you say I am
But everything I gave you
Despise me as you do
When my heart I put on your hands!!!

Strange is my destiny
Dark is my path
Lost in between
I don't know what to be!!!...

A failure I am
Useless I feel
Lost in the dark
Can't find my way home ...

Everything I have done
But everything was not enough!
My love I gave to you
But it wasn't good!!.....

My soul become darker
'cuz darker was my love!..
Never trusting
Never accepting
Cold it made me!!...

Never giving
Never feeling
Insensitive you made me ..

Strange is my destiny
Cold i am when the sun shines
Dark are my thoughts when you are near me !...

Strange is my destiny
'Cuz loved I wanted to be...
But pain i found....

Strange is the way life had chosen ......
The light i wanted....
But dark was all I got..
Trying to the best
The worst I became!!

Never good enough for you
To the darkness you sent me
Crying for your sympathy
Wrath was all i got!!!

Strange was my destiny
The day turned into night
And the dark become dark...

Then i realized...
That darkness was my destiny!!!!!

Alone I was
Alone I am
No pain
No suffering
No hope

Only the darkness of my soul
To the everlasting night!!!...

Strange was my destiny
For strange it is no more!!!!

Sunday 7 October 2007

Para uma sessão de relaxamento.. Vale a pena .

For you to seat and enjoy ...... It's worthy.

Para Meditar / Meditation

Para Pensar e Apreciar / To think about it and to enjoy

Para rir / For a good laugh


I wanted to cry
But the sea of my soul
Had no more tears to drop....
I wanted to scream
But there was no one there to listen....

Inside this dark hole I find myself trapped!!
I try to escape
But lost among my thoughts
I feel scare
I feel my senses fading away..

Voices i hear inside my head.....
But should i listen to them?
Is this a trap?
Is this craziness?
Am I going insane?!!......

Why don't you go away....
Leave me alone, damned voices!!!
Voices of nowhere
Voices everywhere....

Should i go?
Should i stay?
Should i cry for help?

Lost in my thoughts
I lost my reason.....

Embraced by fear
I lost my faith....

By loosing it

I got lost from you
From your warmth
From my path......

My wrath grow stronger
My defenses?!..
Were left behind!

And i shout .....
Is anyone out there?
Is it something that's worth fighting for?

Incapable to find an answer
I feel my black hole calling for me
My voices whispering .......

And in despair
I loose my mind
I loose my will.....

Voices in my head
Voices around me

It's late
It's getting darker
I'm tired
It's time to go!

I surrender!!!....
There's nowhere to go
There's no escape

From the hole i came
And to it i shall return...

To myself
To my weakness

To my lack of faith.......

Returning to the dark is time
For in the dark i will find myself again...........