Monday 15 October 2007


I'm a friend of Paula and she has graciously given me permission to be a guest author. I've never met her personally but I have chatted with her and exchanged some emails on occasion. I live the United States, the great state of North Carolina. Paula is a beautiful and caring soul who befriended me. I realize these are difficult times for her and this is what friends of for. Sometimes life test us and when it does it also test our faith. I have discovered that we all have a wonderufl torch within the each us, whose purpose is to help others each and everyday.

Today I want to talk about the different people I've met all around the world. I have found that we really aren't that much different. We truly are brothers and sisters sharing the same earth. There are times we all stumble, there are times we fail and we all lose a sense of hope. It is during times that one person's torch, can light their friends torch whose flame may be burning very low. Faith is knowing that you can get up each and every time and it's not the end of the world. Sure we hurt, but there are lessons that we learn from our pain. Faith is knowing that no matter bad if may seem or be, we will so how get through it.

I believe there no accidents in life, that there is a purpose for everything. There is reason that Paula and I became friends and this may very well be it. I know she has lost or is losing faith. I've been the same dark roads, but the one thing that has always carried me through the valley, is my faith. When things are at the lowest point, that's when you let your faith take over, because when you do, it will guide you through the darkest of storms. The following quote sums up what faith is:

“Faith is an oasis in the heart which can never be reached by the caravan of thinking”

1 comment:

A resmungona said...

welcome aboard Neal my friend :) !
As for me i thank you your kind words , i really appreciated them.

have a nice day