Monday 20 September 2010

Between Worlds

When the sun rises
And a new day begins,
Full of hope,
Full of dreams
You think nothing can ruins this feeling...

You make plans
You are thrill of joy
'Cuz you really are feeling good today...
The world's still blue like the sky above you...
And like a child
You dance and jump
In a field of flowers full of beautiful colours
And pleasant scents...

You believe this is real!!...
And you don't want it to come to an end...
Hapiness forever
Good feelings
Endless hope
Always love...

But soon the night comes
And all you can see are shadows!!
All that you can fell are cold chills
All over your body and soul....
All you can see is eternal darkness!...

No more warmness
No more laughs...
And in the night you can smell rottenness...
All that you wanted to forget
All that you wished never to remember
Haunts you all of a sudden...
And the shadows embrace you like
You belong to them.....

Deep inside you smile
And you say this is just a nightmare,
I will wake up
And everything's will be all right!!...

However, the sun never rises again
And you realize that your mind is playing tricks with you...
That your heart is frozen and your soul lost forever!!

It's full moon …
The blue became black...
There're no more flowers
Only death and darkness...
No more warmth
No more hope
Only despair and this feeling of everlasting emptiness...

What should I do?!
What do I must think?!..
Am I mad?
Have I died?!...
What is this lackness of life?...

Save me....
Pray for me...
Take my heart and bring it to life again....
Find my soul and show it the way back...

Save me from this darkness
Wake me up from this nightmare
and let me feel again....

Julho 2010

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