Monday 29 August 2011

The Emptiness (English version)

Desperate anguish
That run me over down the path,
Sadness that crushes me mercilessly!

Without defense or shield
I struggle to control my destiny ...
continual rain
that floods my soul,
Thunder that scares me
In the dark night ....

Stripped, I struggle in the endless night
cold and wet ..
Darkness blinds me
and keeps me from finding my way ...

Acute pain and merciless
that kills me slowly!...
I cry of helplessness
And I pray for the light that will illuminate my soul ...

Groans and moans
fly by night,
Without direction, without purpose
Lost in this valley without an end!

tormented by the screams of despair
I call ... but nobody hears me ...
Lost forever
In this eternal cold night...

Without finding my way ....
Only the moon is my light
and the howling of wolves my music ...
Lost in this endless night
I cry for the lost strenght!

I Without soul or body
I wander alone
Among the wailing and despair ...
Lost in the shadows of the night
Looking for my place ..

Rain of tears
accompanying me,
Trembling and groaning
I hear in the night .....

Therefore defenseless and without shield
I venture the eternal night ...
Without hope and without destination
anguish let me hug !!...

Looking For Love

It's cold outside
My heart beats faster
Can't stop thinking about you
Calling your name
Are you there?

Screams inside my head
Pain in my soul
All I can see is darkness
Where are you?

It's so cold!!...
I'm shivering
I want to fly
I want to hold your hand

Dark clouds in the sky
Noisy storm in my head
Lightening penetrating in my heart
Calling your name

I'm freezing
I'm in pain
Aching inside
lost in time
I long for your touch

Come, run for me
I'm waiting ....
Stop the pain
Put an end to all this ...

It's night and I'm alone
Crying out loud for your name
Empty soul
Wandering in the dark

Where are you?
Will you come for me?
Will you save me from my own?
Will you find me?

July 2011

Will You Remember Me?

I look through my window...

Outside is a sunny day,

However I feel so sad,

So empty, so lost! ...

I realised that none of my dreams

Will ever come true!!

When I die,

Who's going to remember me ?

Will you remember who I was?

Will you know what I did ?

What a waste of a lovely day!

I should go out for a walk,

Feel the sun on my face...

I should,

But I rather stay indoors,

Crying, suffering on my own...

Wishing what I cannot have !

Just feeling this anguish within me!

Time is running fast

I cannot keep the pace...

I feel drowning

I feel lonely...

Who's going to remember me,

When you are gone too, my love?

Will you keep my memory , my friend?

No one to tell the story

Nobody in here to tell,

How much I could love and care...

Nothing will remain,

No tales, no memories

Everything will be lost,

In this empty world !

I don't want to go

I don't want to feel the sorrow...

Darkness surrounding me

Thoughts banging in my head...

I crouch and I cry

Nowhere to escape

No one to remember ...

Just loneliness

Infinite empty space where I lost myself !

What a lovely day to dream

To have hope

To believe in the future

To smile !!...

Yet, it hurts so much !

What's the point of living

If, at the end there is nothing

To keep my memory alive ?...

What's the point of such a pain ??

This emptiness in my heart ?

This darkness in my soul ?...

I close my eyes,

And I fly in the eternal night

Looking for my place in this world !

Whispers everywhere

Cold chills through my bones ...

No light, no path

Just infinite darkness ...

No answers, nobody

No feelings,

Just myself in my world,

Running away

Deceiving time ,

Turning myself into a dark butterfly...

Such a waste of a sunny day,

Still I can't avoid all those questions

Always haunting me,

Night and day !

I close my eyes,

Tears roll down my face

Fast like rain in a stormy day !!

So, will you remember me in the end?...

July 2011