Friday 9 September 2011



They should the light in our lives

The torch that guide us through the years

Those who always tell us the truth

The ones who cheer us up on a bad day!...


Some are my nightmare,

The darkness in my day!...

They deceive, they lie

They make me feel evil...

They hurt, they stab me in the back!...


Always comparing

Always putting me down...

They rejoiced with my misfortune,

They feed on my sorrow

they are thirsty of my tears!...


Shadows haunting me

Beasts waiting to tear my heart apart ,

To feast on my soul!..

Rotten friends...

Crushing me

Dragging me deeper and deeper to loneliness,

Burning me alive,

Dancing and laughing with my suffering!!

Friends ....

Some are devils disguised in angels..

They smile, they hug,

they take advantage,

Use me and then discharge me!...

Rotten friends...

Crawling in the shade

Waiting for me ...

Pulling me into hell,

Bringing me more sadness...

Rotten friends...

I know who you are!

I will let you all have fun with my misery...

For the time being!

But I will fight for my deliverance!!...

I will slide from this dark room

Where you locked me in...

I will follow my path and never look back!....

Rotten, false

Treacherous friends...

Disgusting maggots,

Feeding on me!!



Some are angels

Some are wicked...

Enlightened friends

Love me as I am,

Accept me with heart and soul!

Shady friends,

Try to defeat me

They demoralize me all the time

They take away all my hopes and dreams!...

Rotten friends...

I know who you are

But, this time you are not going to get me....

September 2011

Monday 29 August 2011

The Emptiness (English version)

Desperate anguish
That run me over down the path,
Sadness that crushes me mercilessly!

Without defense or shield
I struggle to control my destiny ...
continual rain
that floods my soul,
Thunder that scares me
In the dark night ....

Stripped, I struggle in the endless night
cold and wet ..
Darkness blinds me
and keeps me from finding my way ...

Acute pain and merciless
that kills me slowly!...
I cry of helplessness
And I pray for the light that will illuminate my soul ...

Groans and moans
fly by night,
Without direction, without purpose
Lost in this valley without an end!

tormented by the screams of despair
I call ... but nobody hears me ...
Lost forever
In this eternal cold night...

Without finding my way ....
Only the moon is my light
and the howling of wolves my music ...
Lost in this endless night
I cry for the lost strenght!

I Without soul or body
I wander alone
Among the wailing and despair ...
Lost in the shadows of the night
Looking for my place ..

Rain of tears
accompanying me,
Trembling and groaning
I hear in the night .....

Therefore defenseless and without shield
I venture the eternal night ...
Without hope and without destination
anguish let me hug !!...

Looking For Love

It's cold outside
My heart beats faster
Can't stop thinking about you
Calling your name
Are you there?

Screams inside my head
Pain in my soul
All I can see is darkness
Where are you?

It's so cold!!...
I'm shivering
I want to fly
I want to hold your hand

Dark clouds in the sky
Noisy storm in my head
Lightening penetrating in my heart
Calling your name

I'm freezing
I'm in pain
Aching inside
lost in time
I long for your touch

Come, run for me
I'm waiting ....
Stop the pain
Put an end to all this ...

It's night and I'm alone
Crying out loud for your name
Empty soul
Wandering in the dark

Where are you?
Will you come for me?
Will you save me from my own?
Will you find me?

July 2011

Will You Remember Me?

I look through my window...

Outside is a sunny day,

However I feel so sad,

So empty, so lost! ...

I realised that none of my dreams

Will ever come true!!

When I die,

Who's going to remember me ?

Will you remember who I was?

Will you know what I did ?

What a waste of a lovely day!

I should go out for a walk,

Feel the sun on my face...

I should,

But I rather stay indoors,

Crying, suffering on my own...

Wishing what I cannot have !

Just feeling this anguish within me!

Time is running fast

I cannot keep the pace...

I feel drowning

I feel lonely...

Who's going to remember me,

When you are gone too, my love?

Will you keep my memory , my friend?

No one to tell the story

Nobody in here to tell,

How much I could love and care...

Nothing will remain,

No tales, no memories

Everything will be lost,

In this empty world !

I don't want to go

I don't want to feel the sorrow...

Darkness surrounding me

Thoughts banging in my head...

I crouch and I cry

Nowhere to escape

No one to remember ...

Just loneliness

Infinite empty space where I lost myself !

What a lovely day to dream

To have hope

To believe in the future

To smile !!...

Yet, it hurts so much !

What's the point of living

If, at the end there is nothing

To keep my memory alive ?...

What's the point of such a pain ??

This emptiness in my heart ?

This darkness in my soul ?...

I close my eyes,

And I fly in the eternal night

Looking for my place in this world !

Whispers everywhere

Cold chills through my bones ...

No light, no path

Just infinite darkness ...

No answers, nobody

No feelings,

Just myself in my world,

Running away

Deceiving time ,

Turning myself into a dark butterfly...

Such a waste of a sunny day,

Still I can't avoid all those questions

Always haunting me,

Night and day !

I close my eyes,

Tears roll down my face

Fast like rain in a stormy day !!

So, will you remember me in the end?...

July 2011

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Wondering if do they care .....


One more day begun

I tried to smile

But pains were too strong!

The only thing I want is to sleep...

To make all this go away...

This fatigue

That fills my soul

And prevents me to get up,

Is weaken me

Is clouding my judgment

Is killing me inside!!

I feel so tired

Still, I waited for your call

So that I would know that you care!

The sun shines bright outside...

I can't open my eyes though

Because the light hurt them!

And the dark it's all I can stand!...

Unhappy I feel, 'cause I lost hope

And without hope there's no happiness!...

For the one who keeps the hope

Of being happy one day

Will be happy forever!..

Pain makes me feel miserable,

Makes me follow a different path!

I thought friends cared

I thought I was not alone...

Yet, here I am

Suffering in silence

Screaming inside,

So lonely...

I hate feeling like this!

I don't want to live like this

I don't want to breath

So that I can't feel anything at all!

I don't want to dream

'Cause there's no hope for me ...

I just want to know that you care !

I want you to feel my pains

To understand how they make me feel!...

I struggle to fight all these feelings

But it's so hard to deal with so many pains,

Day after day,

All day long!

My strenght is fading fast

Dying inside each day

Loosing hope every minute

And I wonder where my friends are.....

If I wasn't here tomorrow

Would anyone loose sleep?

Would anyone care or miss me?

All these pains I have to live with

All this sorrow,

My effort to be strong for you all...

Does it matter at all in the end?...

I just want to lay down and never wake up!

Because I don't want to live like this anymore...

I want a better life,

Without pain!

Can you even imagine

How much I suffer inside?

Do you really care?

I just want to feel better!!

I don't want to surrender,

Still it's so hard....

I want to open my eyes

See the beauty of the day

Believe that all the pain will disappear..

Yet I know it's a lie!

I will never be all right!

I don't want you to see me cry,

So I smile!

Nevertheless, here I am

In my silence,

Waiting for your concern ...

If only you could hold on my hand ..

Say "you'll be okay",

I might believe in you!..

So fed up of living like this ...

All this endless pain..

Please, make it end!

Silent tears

Inner screams

Eternal battles

'Cause I can't deal with this disease!

I just need a friendly voice

To ease my torment...

Just a flower to light my day...

Just a whisper to make me believe again!

Where are you when i'm in agony?

Do you care?

Do you worry?

Will you look for me ?

Will you send me a signal?

Soon it would be night

Though I still feel all this weariness

All this powerless!

I want to move

But I find myself stuck..

I try so hard to be strong

To control this lack of hope ...

Tears filling my eyes

A silent scream in the emptiness of my soul..

So defeated

So alone

All this pain and exhaustion....

Where are my friends?

Who's gonna hold me?

Who's gonna help me?

No one knows...

You don't care!

I need to pull myself together

And fight this monster inside!

I will show you all

That I can do it on my own... as always!

Just silent tears

Just deaf screams

Just an invisible struggle!

Tomorrow it's another day

Probably one more day in my life...

Empty, painful, lonely

Like many others!..

Just one more step

In this path of punishment

One more silent day

One more lie

One more false hope...


If I wasn't here tomorrow

Would anyone miss me?


When i'm gone will you know indeed

How I really lived?

All the pain

All the sorrow

All the struggle...

All the tears that you didn't see

All the whispers when I was suffering?

Will you remember the best of me?

Pain pull back all my hopes and dreams...

No matter how hard you try

You just can't get rid of it!...

In your selfishness,

Would you understand how hard it is

For me to live the way I do ?...

Pretending to be fine

Smiling to disguise the pain inside?

Will you ever imagine how painful

It is have a life like mine?...

If you only knew that

A friendly voice sometimes is enough to ease the pain

That a call asking "are you ok?" would be the least you could do!!

I think I go for a sleep...

Maybe one day

I will find light and happiness again....

Maybe one day

I will wake up and all my hopes and dreams are back again...

Maybe one day...

But for now,

Let me go trying to stop my sorrow!!.....

June 2011

Sunday 22 May 2011

Mălina Olinescu - Eu cred

This is only for you... Allways One...

GooGle Translation:
I think
Me, I'll wait
I think that's not right
Let me just your memory is kept
I feel that you always
You're around me
Thought and spirit that protects me
You give me courage

I think I hear
I think not forget
From heaven to give me
A sign that you will stay
If I could have reached your world
I'd ask back
I believe in us

Maybe I'm wrong
Do not know how to look
The stars, and there you find
You live only in dreams
As you promised
We stay good friends
Good Friends

I think I hear
I think not forget
From heaven to give me
A sign that you will stay
If I could have reached your world
I'd ask back
I believe in us

Sometimes I feel as I look
I want to know
Only silence me a cred

I think I hear
I think not forget
From heaven to give me
A sign that you will stay
Me, if I could have reached your world
I'd ask back
I'd ask back
I believe in us
Ooh ...

Romanian Version:

Eu cred
Eu, eu te mai aştept
Cred că nu e drept
Să-mi rămână numai amintirea că ai fost
Eu simt că tu mereu
Eşti în jurul meu
Gând şi spirit ce mă ocroteşti
Îmi dai curaj

Eu cred că m-asculţi
Eu cred că nu uiţi
Din cer să îmi dai
Un semn că mai stai
Dac-aş putea s-ating lumea ta
Te-aş cere-napoi
Eu cred în noi

Eu poate că greşesc
Nu ştiu să privesc
Către stele, şi-acolo să te regăsesc
Tu vii numai în vis
Aşa cum mi-ai promis
Noi rămânem tot prieteni buni
Prieteni buni

Eu cred că m-asculţi
Eu cred că nu uiţi
Din cer să îmi dai
Un semn că mai stai
Dac-aş putea s-ating lumea ta
Te-aş cere-napoi
Eu cred în noi

Uneori te simt cum mă priveşti
Vreau să ştii
Numai liniştea mi-o dăruieşti

Eu cred că m-asculţi
Eu cred că nu uiţi
Din cer să îmi dai
Un semn că mai stai
Eu, dac-aş putea s-ating lumea ta
Te-aş cere-napoi
Te-aş cere-napoi
Eu cred în noi